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 I have learned many things about globalization and the remake of telenovelas. There has been one remake that really stood out to me. That is one of my favorites named, Ugly Betty. I always thought Ugly Betty was strictly an American made show. The show always made me laugh, but after watching videos in class I realize there is more to Ugly Betty than I thought. The telenovela was created and produced by Silvio Horta. 

The character Betty helps manifest certain characteristics of the Latina culture. She is the epitome of what every Latina woman does not want to be. She has no style, fashion, or beauty. Seeing the multiple remakes of the telenovela shows how many different ways one character can be portrayed based on the crew on the other side of the camera. Production plays a very big role in this aspect. All over the world Betty brings a different kind of culture to the screen. She never disappoints and always makes people laugh. I wonder if there will be other remakes of the telenovela in the future.

I also did not realize how many different telenovelas had been remade until Dr. A introduced this to me. This shows how many Americans can be oblivious to other cultures around the world. Now that I know a good portion of telenovelas were not created in the United States I can go back and see how each telenovela has a different culture it is trying to introduce. This was very insightful to me.


  1. Me encanta que hayas hablado de Ugly Betty porque, aunque nunca he visto el original ni siquiera el remake estadounidense, sé lo importante que fue este programa y es un gran ejemplo de cómo las historias viajan a través de las culturas. Creo que es tan fascinante ver los distintos remakes en diferentes culturas y épocas, realmente puedes decir cómo cambia el mundo y cuán importante es la cultura para la formación de personajes e historias. Creo que es genial cómo cuando una historia es tan buena, es atemporal y puede expandirse a través de las culturas. Me interesaría mucho ver las formas en que cada versión se diferencia entre sí en términos de trama, estética y, en general, las decisiones que tomó la producción. Les cuesta mucho trabajo hacer que una historia funcione en múltiples culturas y épocas, ¡pero han tenido tanto éxito!


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