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The Extreme Demands of Telenovelas Production

Obviously we have seen that telenovelas are extremely demanding and need complete teamwork in order for a specific scene but also entire episodes to filmed. I personally could not work in this industry as you need immense patience. In a football game, if the team runs a play poorly, they don't redo the entire play until it is perfect but move on in the game. We have seen this is not the case with Telenovelas as they are required to redo every scene until it is completely perfect. This can be difficult for the actors as they might have to repeat an uncomfortable scene multiple times until it encapsulates what the producers were hoping it would. From our perspective this is extremely awkward and uncomfortable, but I am sure the actors are desensitized to being in an intimate scene with other actors they may not know that well. However, I am sure this is difficult for their significant other but also their own mental and emotional wellbeing. I couldn't imagine if I had to go to work and repeat intimate scenes with other actors day in and day out then come home to my girl friend/ wife. I am she wouldn't feel comfortable knowing this is what my job entails but also that millions of viewers are seeing this specific scene and also more encounters with others. Working in this arena may not have obvious repercussions on the actors, but they must lose some sort of affection with their own romance if they continually are having to rehearse fictional romance with others weeks on end. I could see how this could lead so some of the actors dealing with mental health issues as they might begin to lose the spark in their own lives since the literal intimacy is beaten out of them until it is perfectly displayed for an audience. Aside from having to complete uncomfortable scenes with others over and over again until they are perfect, they are having to do this all throughout long, tiresome days. The hours of working on a telenovela show are long and extremely tiring given that they are working day in and day out until the season is complete. I would wonder if some of the actors begin to lose some touch with reality as they are working so much in one fictional world while spending less time in the actual world. It shows that the great lengths that these actors alone go to produce the numerous episodes and also seasons. While it might appear to be glamorous to be on TV and be seen by millions, I am sure the glamor fades away and they are faced with the harsh reality of Telenovela production. 
